Anyone can capture a lead simply and quickly by using the Wingmate mobile app. First, tap the lightning bolt icon in the centre of your home screen, as seen in Fig1.
Fig1. Wingmate App Home Screen
Point your phone camera at the desired lead and hit the lightning bolt icon again to capture the lead (see Fig2). If there is no image required, press "Skip" in the top right corner. If you have a picture you've already taken, select the image from your album by tapping the album icon. Please note that your company may have different campaigns set up, so select the one you want to submit under just before you take the picture as shown in fig2. Click here.
Fig2. Capturing a lead
The last step to capturing a lead is submitting it. The address is geocoded, so there is no need to fill in the address. All you need to do is provide a little detail before you hit submit. To do this, tap the description box and type the quick details, or if you prefer, you can hit tap to record to leave a detailed voice memo. After this, tap "Submit Lead" to send it instantly to your sales team! (see Fig3)
Fig3. Submitting a lead
Congratulations, you've submitted your first lead! You can check up on it by tapping the Track folder in the bottom right corner of your home screen ( see fig 4.)
Fig 4. Tracking a lead